OUR STORIES MKUBA ECO-CREDIT FUND DISBURSEMENT Updates from MKUBA Eco-credit 07/02/2024 We proudly announce another milestone achievement! Following intensive training on Small Business Management and eco-compliance, we have disbursed 10.5M TZS to 5 groups in Mto wa Pwani Zanzibar, and an equal amount to 5 groups in Bomasubutuni, Tanga.  This support has been made possible […]

Women only fishing day!

OUR STORIES WOMEN ONLY FISHING DAY Women fishers first 06/04/2023 In March Jongowe village added a new twist to the practice of reef closures for octopus. Day 1 of opening only allowed WOMEN TO FISH!!! Women traditionally fish on foot on the reef flats; young men swim in the deeper nearshore waters and skin dive […]

A new CEO!

OUR STORIES A NEW CEO! A new CEO for Mwambao 15/12/2022 A new CEO for Mwambao! We are excited to announce that Said Khalid our current Chief of Operations has agreed to accept the position of CEO as from February 2023! Thank you Said! I am sure that all who know him will recognise that […]

WIOMSA Conference Attendance

OUR STORIES WIOMSA CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE WIOMSA Conference Attendance 12/10/2022 A team of 8 of us were fortunate to attend the conference held in South Africa in October 2022.   We presented 6 years of data on ‘Reef closures for day octopus (octopus cyanea) in Zanzibar; Community-based catch recording demonstrates benefits for octopus populations and fishers alike’.  […]

Election of leadership & launch of Management Committee for our eco-credit MKUBA program

OUR STORIES ECO-CREDIT MKUBA PROGRAM ELECTION OF LEADERSHIP IN KUKUU Election of leadership & launch of Management Committee for our eco-credit MKUBA program 17/02/2020 Election of leadership & launch of Management Committee for our eco-credit MKUBA program in Kukuu village, Pemba. MKUBA stands for Mfuko wa Kutunza Bahari, meaning “Fund to care for the sea” […]

Is this the first ever record of a common blanket octopus in East Africa?

OUR STORIES FIRST EVER COMMON BLANKET OCTOPUS IN EAST AFRICA? Is this the first ever record of a common blanket octopus in East Africa? 04/02/2020 Is this the first ever record of a common blanket octopus (Tremoctopus violaceus) in East Africa? Two female blanket octopus were caught by women fishers from Tumbatu Island in Zanzibar […]

Boma Subutuni: 17th village engaged in community-led temporary closures

OUR STORIES OUR 17th VILLAGE ENGAGED IN COMMUNITY-LED CLOSURES Boma Subutuni: 17th village engaged in community-led temporary closures 28/01/2020 Capacity building of the Beach Management Unit (BMU)* in the village of Boma Subutuni, Tanga is well underway. Boma Subutuni are the 7th village in our project with partners Blue Ventures, the 17th village engaged in […]

Blog: Breaking down market barriers to benefit communities and biodiversity

OUR STORIES BREAKING MARKET BARRIERS TO BENEFIT COMMUNITIES & BIODIVERSITY Breaking down market barriers to benefit communities and biodiversity 24/01/2020 “…prices for octopus have now increased – especially for women, who were previously paid less than men – and the extra income is beginning to contribute to the operating cost of conservation initiatives such as […]

Watch this space in 2020…here we come

OUR STORIES WATCH THIS SPACE 2020…HERE WE COME Watch this space in 2020…here we come 31/12/2019 Team spirit is our strength   Developing our communications strategy has been a full team affair. With the support of partners Maliasili, we’re developing our communications strategy and streamlining our vision and messaging as a team to ensure we’re as […]

Learning exchange visitors from Lamu County, Kenya

OUR STORIES Learning exchange visitors from Lamu County, Kenya Learning exchange visitors from Lamu County, Kenya 26/12/2019 It was a pleasure to host 14 visitors from Lamu County Kenya in early December.  Mwambao team members accompanied them to 3 of our field sites to meet community members and to hear first-hand about their successes and […]