‘Unity is strength, being separate makes you weak’
OUR STORIES ‘Unity is strength, being separate makes you weak’ ‘Unity is strength, being separate makes you weak’ 23/12/2019 ‘Umoja ni nguvu utengano ni udhaifu’ ‘Unity is strength, being separate makes you weak’ The first collaborative management group (CMG) for Zanzibar! Four communities have formed a group to work together to guard their temporary […]
Building our Community Biodiversity Monitoring Team
OUR STORIES Building our Community Biodiversity Monitoring Team Building our Community Biodiversity Monitoring Team 19/12/2019 What impact are community lead temporary and permanent closures having on the health of marine ecosystems? Are communities selecting closure areas that will have the biggest impact in terms of community gain, ecosystem health and resilience of reefs into the […]
PhotoVoice Workshop
OUR STORIES PHOTOVOICE WORKSHOP PhotoVoice Workshop 13/12/2019 Mwambao staff in introductory workshop to PhotoVoice 2 Mwambao team members took part in a Photovoice workshop and shared skills about the relationship between photographers, portrait and audience. We hope this will influence the ability of our team to communicate our messages more powerfully, through intentional photography/imagery and […]
Visit from British High Commissioner to Tanzania
OUR STORIES BRITISH HIGH COMMISSIONER VISIT Visit from British High Commissioner to Tanzania 09/12/2019 Mwambao, Fauna & Flora International and Department of Fisheries staff welcome the British High Commissioner to Tanzania, HC Sarah Cooke, to our project location in Kukuu, South Pemba, Zanzibar. This Pemba Channel conservation project working with fishing communities to promote sustainable […]
What factors make community fishery closures work?
OUR STORIES What factors make community fishery closures work? What factors make community fishery closures work? 21/11/2019 What factors make community fishery closures work? Today we were exploring what influences long-term adoption of temporary octopus closures by coastal communities in Tanzania. This will contribute to Agent-Based Modelling forming part of the OctoPINTS project. This project […]
Blog: Linking a microcredit scheme to conservation compliance
OUR NEWS BLOG: MICROCREDIT SCHEME Blog: Linking a microcredit scheme to conservation compliance 31/10/2019 Linking a microcredit scheme to conservation compliance. Read this blog about the Greenfi/Mwambao microcredit scheme posted by partners Fauna & Flora International. “Borrowers have to commit to actions that contribute to effective implementation of local conservation measures; some join a daily […]
ICT4Fisheries Conference
OUR NEWS ICT4Fisheries Conference ICT4Fisheries Conference – Cape Town 28/10/2019 Mwambao attended the ICT4Fisheries conference in Cape Town earlier this month. A fantastic conference organised Abalobi and Blue Ventures. Great to have an opportunity to learn about the innovative use of technology in fisheries around the world; from biodiversity monitoring, to tracking fishing vessels and […]
Tourism supports conservation
OUR NEWS TOURISM SUPPORTS CONSERVATION Tourism supports conservation 11/10/2019 Tourism supports conservation in Ushongo! Dorobo Foundation in Arusha has long supported the conservation of Maziwe island Marine Reserve in Pangani through the ‘Friends of Maziwe – Marine & Turtle Conservation‘ who have financed of rangers and patrol as well as turtle nest relocation from the […]
New partnership with Stockholm Resilience Centre OctoPINTS project
OUR NEWS NEW PARTNERSHIP New partnership with Stockholm Resilience Centre OctoPINTS project 04/10/2019 A new partnership with Stockholm Resilience Centre OctoPINTS project a transdisciplinary research project funded by the Swedish Research Council and Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) through 2019-2022. The OctoPINTS project aims to collaboratively understand and make sense of short- and long-term […]
Mapping Community Closures
OUR NEWS MAPPING COMMUNITY CLOSURES Mapping Community Closures 26/09/2019 Yesterday some of our team were out on the water mapping the fishing grounds of 3 communities in Pemba, Zanzibar, alongside their SFCs (Community committees responsible for fisheries management decisions). An important component of our community-based management work is mapping each communities coastal resources to guide […]