Reef Restoration Update: 67 reefballs constructed

OUR NEWS REEF RESTORATION UPDATE Reef Restoration Update: 67 reefballs constructed 17/09/2019 Reef restoration update: we now have 67 reefballs ready for deployment at Boma Subutuni, Tanzania – an area previously heavily plagued by blast-fishing! Mwambao are engaging with Boma Subutuni village to build the capacity of the community’s BMU* and implement a coastal resource […]

Community Patrol – learning exchange!

OUR NEWS COMMUNITY PATROL Community Patrol – learning exchange! 27/08/2019 Community Patrol – learning exchange! At the beginning of July, we led a Peer Learning study visit from Pemba Island, Zanzibar to the Northern Mainland Tanzanian coast, and what a great success. 18 individuals travelled form Pemba to mainland Tanzania to learn from the enforcement […]

Study tour. Communities working together are stronger

OUR NEWS TOGETHER COMMUNITIES ARE STRONGER Study tour Communities working together are stronger 04/06/2019 Communities working together are stronger. An exchange visit to learn about Collaborative Fisheries Co-management! Our team have just returned from a week in Kilwa district of Tanzania learning from the experience of communities, some who have been  working together for more […]

Let’s celebrate: extension of Blue Ventures partnership!

OUR NEWS EXPANSION OF BLUE VENTURES PARTNERSHIP Let’s celebrate: extension of Blue Ventures partnership! 21/05/2019 It’s time to celebrate! We have been working with partners Blue Ventures since October 2016, and we are pleased to announce that we have extended our partnership for an additional 1 and a half years!! We’re excited to see what […]

Have you ever seen a nonapus?

OUR NEWS Have you ever seen a nonapus? Have you ever seen a nonapus? 16/05/2019 Our recorders in Mtende village, Zanzibar, measured this nine-legged male big blue octopus, Octopus cyanea! It’s a very exciting find! Nonapus do occur occasionally, but we can’t see any other records of nine-legged Octopus cyanea, perhaps this is the first […]

A Pemban village fisher committee shares their success – Kamati ya uvuvi yenye ufanisi

OUR NEWS VILLAGE COMMITTEE SHARE THEIR SUCCESS A Pemban village fisher committee shares their success – Kamati ya uvuvi yenye ufanisi 14/05/2019 A community in Pemba, Zanzibar share the successes of their fishers committee through a community film. What makes effective community fisheries conservation? Zanzibar coastal communities interact with the ocean daily; numerous livelihoods […]

Local action to save the ocean. Insight into Mwambao’s work

OUR NEWS INSIGHT INTO MWAMBAO’S WORK Local action to save the ocean. Insight into Mwambao’s work 16/04/2019 Check out this awesome talk by our Executive Director, Lorna Slade, to get an insight into some of the work we’re doing at Mwambao. We were humbled to be invited by Fauna & Flora International to present at their event […]