Is this the first ever record of a common blanket octopus in East Africa?

OUR STORIES FIRST EVER COMMON BLANKET OCTOPUS IN EAST AFRICA? Is this the first ever record of a common blanket octopus in East Africa? 04/02/2020 Is this the first ever record of a common blanket octopus (Tremoctopus violaceus) in East Africa? Two female blanket octopus were caught by women fishers from Tumbatu Island in Zanzibar […]

Learning exchange visitors from Lamu County, Kenya

OUR STORIES Learning exchange visitors from Lamu County, Kenya Learning exchange visitors from Lamu County, Kenya 26/12/2019 It was a pleasure to host 14 visitors from Lamu County Kenya in early December.  Mwambao team members accompanied them to 3 of our field sites to meet community members and to hear first-hand about their successes and […]

Visit from British High Commissioner to Tanzania

OUR STORIES BRITISH HIGH COMMISSIONER VISIT Visit from British High Commissioner to Tanzania 09/12/2019 Mwambao, Fauna & Flora International and Department of Fisheries staff welcome the British High Commissioner to Tanzania, HC Sarah Cooke, to our project location in Kukuu, South Pemba, Zanzibar. This Pemba Channel conservation project working with fishing communities to promote sustainable […]

New partnership with WildAid

OUR NEWS NEW PARTNERSHIP WITH WILDAID New partnership with WildAid 24/09/2019 New partnership with WildAid! Mwambao has joined forces with WildAid and the Department of Fisheries with the assistance of funding from USAID under the TzProtect programme. Our project is ‘Reversing biodiversity degradation and improving fisheries management through Community engagement, Pragmatic protection and Private sector […]

Study tour. Communities working together are stronger

OUR NEWS TOGETHER COMMUNITIES ARE STRONGER Study tour Communities working together are stronger 04/06/2019 Communities working together are stronger. An exchange visit to learn about Collaborative Fisheries Co-management! Our team have just returned from a week in Kilwa district of Tanzania learning from the experience of communities, some who have been  working together for more […]

A Pemban village fisher committee shares their success – Kamati ya uvuvi yenye ufanisi

OUR NEWS VILLAGE COMMITTEE SHARE THEIR SUCCESS A Pemban village fisher committee shares their success – Kamati ya uvuvi yenye ufanisi 14/05/2019 A community in Pemba, Zanzibar share the successes of their fishers committee through a community film. What makes effective community fisheries conservation? Zanzibar coastal communities interact with the ocean daily; numerous livelihoods […]