Together we can create change. Our partners share our belief that for marine ecosystems to thrive, people must thrive too. Conservation must bring real benefits, strengthening livelihoods today. From communities to government to researchers to private sector to donors, everyone has a role to play, and collaboration is key. Our partners provide financial capital and expert guidance to enable us to champion community-led coastal conservation, putting the communities’ interests and voices first, ensuring any conservation impact brings benefits to people.

Maliasili began supporting Mwambao in 2013. At the time it had two very strong visionary leaders but an annual operating budget of $25,000 and a team of three. We saw their potential, and ten years later our investment has proved successful. We have supported their growth journey and today they have an annual budget of more than $700,000 and team of 46 full-time staff. Most importantly though, they’ve increased their reach and conservation impact while also bringing more benefits to the communities they serve.
Njenga Kahiro
East Africa Portfolio Director, Maliasili
Mwambao has built strong collaborations and networks with coastal communities, local and international NGOs, and government, and plays an important bridging role in facilitating meaningful engagement and effective partnerships between these different stakeholders. We are mission-led, well known and trusted locally and thus bring much value to our partnerships.

Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar
Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources, Livestock and Fisheries (MANRLF), The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar.
Mission is to transform and modernize agriculture sectors through promotion of scope of crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry enterprises technological adaption.
Vision is to be capable institution of supporting an economically viable and competitive agricultural sectors that contribute into national efforts to improve livelihoods.

The inland and marine coastal fisheries resources of the EA-SA-IO region represent a natural wealth of about € 50 billion. E€OFISH strives to ensure the sustainable management of these assets by putting in place policies to handle them effectively, by protecting them and by promoting good fishing practices.

Fauna & Flora
Established over a century ago, Fauna & Flora is the world’s oldest international wildlife conservation organisation. Who have been quietly shaping and influencing conservation practice since our foundation in 1903.
Their focus is on protecting biodiversity (the diversity of life on Earth), which underpins healthy ecosystems and is critical for the life-support systems that humans and all other species rely on.

Dorobo Fund
Dorobo Fund protect the cultures, people, landscapes and biodiversity of Tanzania through improved livelihoods and conservation.
Fortunately, solutions exist and we are funding them in hopes to see benefits for people, places and wildlife in Tanzania. Our primary focus is the livelihood of hunter-gatherer and pastoral societies in northern Tanzania, ensuring that their way of life is recognized and respected. We believe when communities are empowered, when they can own, manage, and benefit from their land and resources, we are all better off.
We are helping to secure land rights, improve livelihoods, educate new leaders, and create healthier and more sustainable communities.

Fish Eagle Point
Fish Eagle Point are a family run business that provide comfortable rooms and wilderness camping which are immersed in nature, as well as delicious meals, cold drinks, warm service and good value.
They do everything they can to not only be good neighbours with the villages around us but to also make a positive impact on this area. ‘Sustainable’ is an important word for us because we do our best to ensure that the community involvement and environmental work we carry out is sustained in the long term. They have carried out numerous projects over the years, which they continue to manage and oversee, always undertaking and taking on new ones.

NABU Foundation
NABU (Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union) is the oldest and largest environment association in Germany. It encompasses more than 900,000 members and supporters, who commit themselves to the conservation of threatened habitats, flora, and fauna, to climate protection and energy policy.
NABU’s main objectives are the preservation of habitats and biodiversity, the promotion of sustainability in agriculture, forest management, and water supply and distribution, as well as to enhance the significance of nature conservation in our society.

CORDIO East Africa
Coastal Oceans Research and Development in the Indian Ocean (CORDIO) was initiated in 1999 as a response to the El-Niño related mass bleaching and mortality of corals in the Indian Ocean in 1998. It is a non-profit research organization, registered in Kenya, with a network of projects, collaborators and partners that extends across the Indian Ocean.
Focusing initially on Eastern Africa, Western Indian Ocean Islands and South Asia. Initially called ‘Coral Reef Degradation in the Indian Ocean’, due to the widespread impact of the mass mortality of corals, we changed our name in 2004-5 to reflect broader challenges and opportunities in the coastal marine systems of the region.

Blue Ventures
Blue Ventures develops transformative approaches for catalysing and sustaining locally led marine conservation. We work in places where the ocean is vital to local cultures and economies, and are committed to protecting marine biodiversity in ways that benefit coastal people.

NEID Foundation
The Network of Engaged International Donors (NEID Global) is a unique, national peer-to-peer learning network that serves a community of passionate and dedicated philanthropists that are active funders around the world. Since 2008 NEID Global has built a community by creating a space where internationally-focused donors can learn about how to support the Global Sustainable Development Goals and a wide range of global issues. At NEID Global we start with humility. By offering private funders strategic networking, educational opportunities, and information sharing, we strive to support transformational social change. Our members foster equitable partnerships, learn from each other, connect deeply with one another and their granteepartners, inspire each other, and act together to build a world where everyone can thrive.

ICCA Consortium
The ICCA Consortium grew out of the movement promoting equity in conservation in the decades around the turn of the Millennium. It was officially established in Switzerland in 2010 as an International Association under the Swiss Civil Code. It is a membership-based civil society organisation supported by an international semi-volunteer Secretariat based in twenty-two countries.

The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive.
Founded at its grassroots in the United States in 1951, The Nature Conservancy has grown to become one of the most effective and wide-reaching environmental organizations in the world. Thanks to more than a million members and the dedicated efforts of our diverse staff and more than 400 scientists, we impact conservation in 79 countries and territories across six continents.

Maliasili provide organizational support through a customized, multi-year process that responds to the unique needs of an individual organization, while also following a consistent and systematic service delivery approach. They believe that improving strategy, building a strong team, and developing the systems required to take ideas to action are the foundations for accelerating conservation impact.

The illegal wildlife trade is a multi-billion dollar global industry largely driven by consumer demand in expanding economies. While most wildlife conservation groups focus on scientific studies and anti-poaching efforts, WildAid works to reduce global consumption of wildlife products and to increase local support for conservation efforts. We also work with governments and partners to protect fragile marine reserves from illegal fishing and shark finning, to enhance public and political will for anti-poaching efforts, and to reduce climate change impacts.

Reefball Foundation
Non-profit organization dedicated to making new aquatic habitats by helping folks build Reef Ball artificial reefs and teaching about the value of natural reefs. Their mission is to rehabilitate and protect our world’s ocean ecosystems through the development and use of ecologically sound-designed reefs and related systems.

Rustic Pathways
Rustic Pathways has been the leader in global teen adventure travel and community service programs since 1983. Through purposeful design, we create culturally-immersive travel programs for students ages 12 to 22, customizable teacher-led trips for school groups, and gap year semesters for recent high school grads.

Marine Cultures
marinecultures.org is a small non-profit organization on the island of Zanzibar in the Indian Ocean with headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland. marinecultures.org is organized as an association and was founded in 2008 and are financed by membership fees, donations and project contributions.
They want to preserve the diversity of the marine fauna and create secure jobs through the development of sustainable aquaculture modalities. They strive to convey that over-exploitation of the oceans and poverty among coastal communities are closely coupled.

ARGOSY Foundation
The Argosy Foundation emphasizes process in structuring its partnerships. We have a due-diligence approach that looks for the most effective, leveraged means of making charitable investments.
We pursue partners and programs that show special ability to not only add value to a field, but also may contain features or provide learning applicable to other philanthropic endeavors. Our role as a partner is to maximize the likelihood of success, as well as gain knowledge and best practice information that can be made available to others. We believe every program is a learning experience.

GreenFi links community managed loans to environmental restoration with an innovative and effective tool for natural resource management and conservation. For NGOs, a new approach cost-effective and verifiable environmental restoration community level that builds financial and social capital. For companies which source produce from small scale producers an alternative to CSR projects which support business sustainability while delivering verifiable social, financial, and environmental benefits.
GreenFi tools help resource-dependent communities access and transparently manage international climate and environmental funding.

USAID is the world’s premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results. USAID’s work advances U.S. national security and economic prosperity, demonstrates American generosity, and promotes a path to recipient self-reliance and resilience.

OAK Foundation
Oak Foundation is family-led and reflects the vision and values of its founders. In all its work Oak pursues rights-based approaches, gender equality and partnership with the organisations we fund. We support civil society as a pillar of democracy and justice and nurture innovation and visionary leadership within it. We value diversity both within Oak and among our partners; we seek to be inclusive, flexible and engage with different points of view. We believe that the best grant-making reflects both careful due diligence and the willingness to take risks.

Greenwood Place is a community of philanthropists working in the United Kingdom and internationally. It provides strategic advice and implementation support to individuals, families, and foundations.
It builds portfolios of charitable organizations and actively manages the grants over the course of a year. It sources charitable organizations and conducts rigorous due diligence to ensure maximum impact.
Its clients become part of the Greenwood Place community of entrepreneurial, high-impact philanthropists committed to tackling social and environmental injustice.

Sea Sense is a Non Government Organisation (NGO) that works closely with coastal communities in Tanzania to conserve and protect endangered marine wildlife including sea turtles, dugongs, whales, dolphins and whale sharks. These species, together with their habitats face a very uncertain future, mostly as a result of human activities in the coastal zone. Their continued survival is implicitly linked with the protection of the wider coastal and marine ecosystem and the wellbeing of coastal peoples.

Lighthouse Foundation
The Lighthouse Foundation supports integrated and long-term approaches in the relationship between humans and the marine environment within the context of sustainable development. All our projects have something to do with the seas and oceans: they are solution-oriented projects on the ground, an example of the feasibility of sustainable development. They show the linkage between humans and the sea, they also sensitize people in other regions and make a recognizable contribution to maritime awareness.

Indian Ocean Commission
The Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) is an intergovernmental organization that brings together five member states: the Union of Comoros, France under Reunion, Madagascar, Mauritius and Seychelles. Created by the Port Louis Declaration in 1982, the IOC was institutionalized in Seychelles in 1984 by the General Agreement on Cooperation, better known as the “Victoria Agreement “.
The only regional organization in Africa composed exclusively of islands, it defends the specificities of its member states on the continental and international scenes. With the active support of a dozen international partners, the IOC gives substance to regional solidarity through cooperation projects covering a wide range of sectors: ecosystem preservation, sustainable management of natural resources, maritime safety, entrepreneurship, public health , renewable energies or culture.

SmartFish is a Regional Fisheries Strategy aiming to increase levels of social, economic and environmental development and deeper regional integration in the ESA-IO region through the sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger.
Our goal is to achieve food security for all and make sure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. With over 194 member states, FAO works in over 130 countries worldwide. We believe that everyone can play a part in ending hunger.

Waitt Foundation
The Waitt Foundation takes a hands-on, partnership-oriented approach to achieve Ocean Protection. They fund projects and campaigns aimed at ending overfishing, the creation and expansion of Marine Protected Areas, facilitate Marine Spatial Planning, and raising public awareness about the rapid decline in ocean health. With a particular focus on enduring public private partnerships and conservation finance, our principal goal is to support governments in achieving their own sustainable fisheries, “Blue Prosperity,” and ocean conservation goals. They make direct grants to Nongovernmental Organizations, and work closely with our global network of Public and Strategic Partners to leverage grant funds and key relationships wherever possible.

World Wildlife Fund
WWF works to help local communities conserve the natural resources they depend upon; transform markets and policies toward sustainability; and protect and restore species and their habitats. Our efforts ensure that the value of nature is reflected in decision-making from a local to a global scale.
WWF connects cutting-edge conservation science with the collective power of our partners in the field, more than one million supporters in the United States and five million globally, as well as partnerships with communities, companies, and governments.

RTI International
RTI International is an independent, nonprofit research institute dedicated to improving the human condition. Our vision is to address the world’s most critical problems with science-based solutions in pursuit of a better future. Clients rely on us to answer questions that demand an objective and multidisciplinary approach—one that integrates expertise across the social and laboratory sciences, engineering, and international development.
Combining scientific rigor and technical proficiency, we deliver reliable data, thorough analysis, innovative methods, novel technologies, and sustainable programs that help clients inform public policy and ground practice in evidence. We scale our approach to fit the demands of each project, delivering the power of a global leader and the passion of a local partner.

Islamic Foundation for Ecology
IFEES networks world-wide with NGOs, international organisations, academic bodies and grass roots organisations and invites collaboration from institutions and individuals from all persuasions who are also dedicated to the maintenance of the Earth as a healthy habitat for future generations of humankind as well as other sentient beings.

Stockholm Resilience Centre
Stockholm Resilience Centre is internationally recognised for its transdisciplinary research. It advances the understanding of complex social-ecological systems and generates new insights and development to improve ecosystem management practices and long-term sustainability.

MRAG are a unique and highly motivated consulting firm dedicated to promoting sustainable utilization of natural resources through sound integrated management policies and practices. As a leader in this field, MRAG has a long and highly productive history of designing and implementing integrated resource management systems in marine, estuarine, riverine and floodplain environments.

AGT International, (formerly AGROTEC S.p.A.) established in 1969, is a leading consulting firm operating at national and international levels in the fields of agriculture, rural development, food safety and environment, offering a wide range of services which include technical assistance, training and project/ programme monitoring and evaluation, as well as procurement of high-tech instrumentation, machineries and agricultural commodities.

UCN is a membership Union composed of both government and civil society organisations. It harnesses the experience, resources and reach of its more than 1,400 Member organisations and the input of more than 17,000 experts. This diversity and vast expertise makes IUCN the global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it.

Plymouth Marine Laboratory
For over 40 years Plymouth Marine Laboratory have provided evidence-based environmental solutions to societal challenges by applying cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research that benefits society and promotes stewardship of marine ecosystems. Since 2002, and in association with a wide range of national and international partners, they have provided these capabilities as an independent company limited by guarantee with charitable status.

The overall objective of the ZANSASP programme is to strengthen democratisation and good governance, through support to civil society initiatives on accountability, participatory development and policy advocacy in Zanzibar.
The Purpose of the project is is two-sided:
1) To strengthen the leadership and management of NSAs, and
2) To increase NSAs’ engagement in the formulation, monitoring and evaluation of poverty reduction strategies and programmes.

Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association
The Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) was established as a regional, non-profit, membership organization in 1993 and registered in Zanzibar, Tanzania in 1994 as a non-governmental organization. The organization is dedicated to promoting the educational, scientific and technological development of all aspects of marine sciences throughout the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region, with a view toward sustaining the use and conservation of its marine resources. WIOMSA has a particular interest in linking the knowledge that emerges from research to the management and governance issues that affect marine and coastal ecosystems in the region.
To us partnerships mean long-term relationships that offer financial or technical support empowering us to achieve our vision.
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