Learning exchange visitors from Lamu County, Kenya

Learning exchange visitors from Lamu County, Kenya
It was a pleasure to host 14 visitors from Lamu County Kenya in early December.
Mwambao team members accompanied them to 3 of our field sites to meet community members and to hear first-hand about their successes and challenges in implementing co-management and fishery closures.
The team included representatives from Kiunga Community Conservancy, The Nature Conservancy (Kenya), Lamu County Government, Northern Rangelands Trust and Pate Marine Conservancy.
Karibu tena! Welcome again!


Women only fishing day!

National Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) workshop

A new CEO!
It was a pleasure to host 14 visitors from Lamu County Kenya in early December. Mwambao team members accompanied them to 3 of our field sites to meet community members and to hear first-hand about their successes and challenges in implementing co-management and fishery closures. The team included representatives from Kiunga Community Conservancy, The Nature Conservancy (Kenya), Lamu County Government, Northern Rangelands Trust and Pate Marine Conservancy. Karibu tena! Welcome again!
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