New partnership with Stockholm Resilience Centre OctoPINTS project


A new partnership with Stockholm Resilience Centre OctoPINTS project a transdisciplinary research project funded by the Swedish Research Council and Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) through 2019-2022. The OctoPINTS project aims to collaboratively understand and make sense of short- and long-term outcomes of octopus closures, and why they occur. They plan to do this by combining expert knowledge and participatory empirical research with agent-based modelling to understand the mechanisms and processes at play.

We hope they will be able to offer a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that have made our model successful and those which still pose a challenge. We hope to be able to use these findings to make our work more effective.

In April our Executive Director, Lorna Slade, visited the Stockholm Resilience Centre to help plan implementation of this research.